05/25/2022Uncategorizedroman roman
The European University of Armenia is announcing vacancies at the Chair of Information Technologies and Applied Mathematics for lecturing within the framework of bachelor and master’s educational programs. The main requirements are:
- Responsibilities and abilities within the subject taught in the field of IT, including lecturing in professional English.
- High professional-quality indicators of mastery of the taught subject.
- High discipline degree of responsibility.
- Higher professional education.
List of available vacancies according to the following subject programs taught:
- Expert system
- Vision, Machine vision, image recognition
- Speech, text to speech, speech to text
- Machine learning, predictive analytics
- Planning and optimization, robotics
- Language processing /NLP/, classification, data extraction
- Deep learning
- Cyber security
- Fuzzy Logic & Neural Networks
- Design and Analysis of Algorithms
- Introduction to Internet of Things
- Machine Learning Techniques
- Embedded Systems
- Ethical Hacking
- Natural Language Processing
- Data Analytics Techniques
- Discrete mathematics
- Graph theory.
Those interested should send their resumes to info@eua.am or sharutyunyan0550@gmail.com.