he 3rd-year students of the International Relations speciality at EUA, under the...
The "What? Where? When?" intellectual game Inter-faculty Championship took place...
European University of Armenia receives International Institutional Accreditatio...
EUA participated in Erasmus+ 2024 Information Session for the Higher Education S...
A meeting-discussion with Ruben Yesayan
A professional meeting-discussion titled "The Way of Formation of the National T...
The “Pathways to Marketing Mastery” conference at EUA, on December 18
A mentoring visit and a masterclass at the European College
The Chair of Architecture and Design of EUA organized an open lecture for studen...
A student event titled “Mountains as the most important objects of tourism devel...
A workshop titled "Packaging Design, Graphic Development, and Analysis"
At the invitation of the Chair of International Relations at EUA, a masterclass ...