Dear fellow citizens,
July 5 is celebrated as Constitution Day in the Republic of Armenia. The adoption of the Constitution has historical significance for the state and the people. It is one of the most important symbols of independent statehood, one of the main guarantors of internal solidarity, stability and normal development of the country. It was with this realization that on this day in 1995, the Armenian people made their indisputable choice by adopting the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia, as a result of which our state expressed its determination and determination to move along the path of integration with the civilized world, the rooting of democratic values, and the formation of a civil society.
Constitution Day is also a special day in terms of high awareness of statehood, rule of law, pride in the state and national dignity, establishment of sovereignty and supremacy of fundamental rights, well-being and solidarity of man and citizen, protection and security of rights and freedoms. With the collective understanding and acceptance of all this, we must continue to develop, be united, face difficulties and overcome challenges, love the state and the constitution for the benefit of strengthening the statehood and developing the country.
Dear compatriots,
I warmly congratulate you on the occasion of Mother Law Day. I wish all of us that the Constitution of the Republic of Armenia is implemented every day with sanctity and dignified to serve the desires and goals of a civilized lifestyle and development, being full of hope for the future of securing a truly legal, safe, modern, civilized, prosperous, developed state.