• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

A lecture on "The impact of the Second World War on pro-natalist and family policy of the USSR" at EUA

On the initiative of lecturer and mentor at EUA Isabelle Matossian, guest speaker, historian, psychologist and gender researcher, Yelena Yeghiazaryan held a lecture on "The impact of the Second World War on pro-natalist and family policy of the USSR". The 1st, 2nd and 3rd year international students of the "Psychology" specialty of the European University of Armenia participated in the lecture. Students learned about how World War II had a major impact on many ideas of society and the reproduction of the population in the USSR. The students also learned how the previous ideology of equality between the genders was replaced by a series of restrictions on women.