• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

A study visit to the "Castelo" furniture factory

The students of the "Management" specialty of the European University of Armenia, led by Anna Hanisyan, the mentor and lecturer at the Chair of Management, PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, visited the "Castelo" furniture factory. During the study visit, accompanied by Vahan Hambardzumyan, the Deputy Director of the organization , the students got acquainted with the activities of the organization, the process of computer modeling and production of furniture, the latest technologies and equipment.

During the study visit, Anush Sargsyan, the head of "Sargsyans" accounting and consulting company, qualified accountant, auditor, and Liana Antonyan, the employee of the same company, qualified accountant, accompanied the students and shared their experience. The students were introduced to the features of the management of the organization, including the production process, supply chain, cost, financial, human resources management, as well as quality control.