• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

First visit of an extracurricular class to the historic Cond district

The 2nd year students of the "Graphic Design" bachelor's course of the Design Chair of the European University of Armenia, within the framework of the "Design Photography" class, accompanied by lecturer Anna Khachatryan, had the first visit to the historical Kond district. Starting the tour from St. Hovhannes Mkrtich Church in Kond and continuing through the winding and narrow streets, the students took the first steps to get to know about Kond, understand and dissect its essence and tried to document and convey the rich historical and cultural layers of the cozy urban environment, the coexistence of the past and the present, as well as the inhabitants. everyday life and everyday life.