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A workshop titled "International Perspectives on the protection of Cultural Heritage" was held at the European University of Armenia

On the initiative of the European University of Armenia and Eurac Research (Italy), on June 27, 2024, a workshop titled "International Perspectives on the protection of Cultural Heritage" was held at the European University of Armenia, the main goal of which is to expand the study of multifaceted approaches, ideas and problems aimed at the assessment, valuation and protection of cultural heritage and the research. Heghine Bisharyan, the Rector of the European University of Armenia, made a welcome speech at the workshop, thanking the participants for the valuable modern topics and effective participation, at the same time evaluating and presenting her own vision on the current challenges of cultural heritage (including Armenian) conservation. The workshop was attended by Elisa Piras, PhD in Politics, Human Rights and Sustainability, and Greta Erschbamer, PhD student in Management, Researchers at the Center for Advanced Studies at Eurac Research (Italy). During the workshop, reports were presented, particularly on the legal issues of cultural heritage preservation, the issues of Artsakh cultural heritage preservation, the current state of Armenian cultural heritage, the role of international structures in the framework of the issue of protection and security of Armenian cultural heritage. The reports were made by Ruben Galichyan, Cartographer, Honorary Doctor of the NAS RA, Hamlet Petrosyan, Head of the Chair of Cultural Studies of YSU, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Vahe Torosyan, Head of HRM and Administration Department, Scientific Secretary at EUA, PhD in Law, Associate Professor, Gagik Avetisyan, Lecturer at the Chair of Design at EUA, PhD in Pedagogy, Gevorg Orbelyan, Head of Digital Tourism Programs at Yerevan City Management Technology Center, Haykuhi Muradyan, Lecturer at Chair of Cultural Studies of YSU, Mher Shahgeldyan, Head of Scientific and Research Programs at EUA, PhD in Political Sciences, Narine Mkhitaryan, Lecturer at the Chair of Design at EUA, PhD in Architecture, Associate Professor. The results of the workshop are particularly promising to explore the role of cultural heritage in the dynamics of political conflicts and documentation, which will open new avenues for future research in the fields of security studies and international relations.