• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

End of the year happy lesson-game

The end-of-year class organized by Maro Detloff, the head of the Chair of Marketing at EUA, with the students of the European University of Armenia, "Marketing" specialty, was very exciting, motivating and full of anticipation, as it was centered around the famous New Year's game Secret Santa full of emotions. The class was held in the student lounge, which was filled with Christmas decorations, which motivated the students even more. Lecturer Maro Detloff started the class, summarized the materials passed during the semester, extracurricular and master classes, after which a discussion took place. Throughout the class, the students were buzzing with enthusiasm and excitement. The lesson included elements of the holiday season with decorations and a happy mood. Finally, before the class ended, the game started. Everyone described the person for whom they had prepared a gift with great excitement and joy. Overall, the Secret Santa game made the end of year class memorable and enjoyable. It combined learning with fun, giving the opportunity to apply the knowledge gained during the course in a festive and interactive way.