• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

Today it is Artur Baghdasaryan's birthday

Today it is Artur Baghdasaryan's birthday, the President of the Board of Trustees of the European University of Armenia. We congratulate him with love and honor on this wonderful day and wish him good health, boundless strength and curves, success in all endeavors and happiness.

Mr. Baghdasaryan is a brilliant example for everyone of a great and skilled leader, a patriot and patriotic statesman and public figure, an educated and professional lawyer and scientist, who made his great contribution & investment to the difficult task of the sustainable development of the Republic of Armenia, state building and strengthening of statehood.

As a result of his consistent and tireless contribution, many valuable projects have been implemented in various state, public and international sectors, contributing to the development, establishment and improvement of many institutes, structures and organizations.

Mr. Baghdasaryan's contribution, deep care, enormous investments and inexhaustible compassion in the foundation, establishment and development of the European University of Armenia are indisputably great. His role in the context of the integration and continuous development of the education of the Republic of Armenia with the European educational system is invaluable.

Once again, we warmly congratulate Mr. Baghdasaryan on his birthday and wish him all the best.