• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

Since 2009, Yerevan State University has been operating a third-level education system—postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, and postdoctoral studies—offered through both full-time and distance learning programs.

Third-level education is available to citizens of the Republic of Armenia as well as international applicants.

Currently, third-level education is offered in the following specialties:

Admission to postgraduate, doctoral, and postdoctoral studies at Yerevan State University is conducted in accordance with the “Procedure for Admission and Training in Postgraduate Studies, Doctoral Studies, and Postdoctoral Studies in the Republic of Armenia”, approved by Resolution No. 238-N of the Government of the Republic of Armenia, dated February 25, 2016.



Doctoral studies

Doctoral studies are designed for individuals who hold a PhD degree and present a fundamental and/or applied research program (project) of scientific, economic, or socio-cultural significance.

For the purpose of registration in doctoral studies, the application must be submitted by the applicant or their authorized representative, addressed to the head of the relevant institution, along with the following documents:

  1. Copies of the passport and social security card.
  2. A copy of the candidate’s scientific degree certificate (for those who obtained their degree abroad, a certificate of equivalence issued by the Higher Qualification Commission is also required).
  3. A doctoral dissertation plan.
  4. An autobiography and three recent photographs (3 x 4 cm).
  5. A list of published scientific works, inventions, and discoveries, as well as reports on previously conducted scientific research.
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