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  • Phone: (010) 240038

The EUA Rector Heghine Bisharyan's message on the occasion of Knowledge, Writing and Education Day and the start of the 2024-2025 academic year

Dear schoolchildren, students, parents, educators, representatives of the education sector,

Congratulations on September 1, the Day of Knowledge, Writing and Education and the beginning of the 2024-2025 academic year. It is a significant event for each of us, which, as a rule, also heralds the beginning of new educational and scientific successes and achievements.

In the difficult, hard conditions of our times, which is full of dangers, threats and challenges, the role and importance of knowledge and education in the overall task of overcoming them is more important.

On this festive day, I send my congratulations and best wishes to our students, especially the first-year students. I want the enthusiasm and high mood to get knowledge to accompany them in all their years of study.

I also send special congratulations to the academic staff, I wish you success in your difficult and responsible work. Not only work or professional duties are placed on your shoulders, but also the responsibility of forming a conscious and dignified citizen by providing quality education to the generations.

Keeping the advice of the day, I wish success to all those devoted to the cause of education and science in the field of learning, education and upbringing, and I wish all representatives of the field of education a successful and fruitful academic year.

Happy September 1!