• Address: 10 Davit Anhaght str., Yerevan, Armenia
  • Phone: (010) 240038

A training on “How to Write a Winning Proposal” by Eva Maria Moar kicked off

A training on “How to Write a Winning Proposal” by Eva Maria Moar, Head of Department Research Support Office at Eurac Research officially started. Before the meeting, Mrs. Muar was received by EUA Rector Heghine Bisharyan, who wished effective work within the framework of the visit. Today she met the EUA academy staff & administration personal. Representatives from other structures of the European Campus were also present at the meeting. The training is held at the European University of Armenia from 12-14 March 2024 within the exchange of experience & special guest visit to the EUA, Armenia. During the visit the Speaker will present the delivery of background information about Eurac Research and the Research Support Office, understanding the EU funding landscape and EU cooperation with Armenia, in particular how to read a call for proposals, practical exercise and Practical discussions. Mrs. Moar will talk about the introduction to Horizon Europe program, its structure, portal, specific elements, online tools, practical work and introductory presentations and practical discussion.